Selected Exhibitions & Projects
Spheres & Circles Circles & Spheres: Solo, UrbanApa x Anteneum, Helsinki, FI
Grenzenlos, Kolonialismus, Industrie und Widerstand, Museum der Arbeit, Hamburg, DE
The Biography Project, Iwalewahaus, Bayreuth, DE
Really Animated Conversations “I’m Gay I Can’t Be Racist”, in collaboration with Rachael Moore, Zinnema, Brussels, BE
Spheres & Circles Circles & Spheres, in collaboration with Adeola Aderemi, W.G.S.J. Isenia, and Kopano Maroga, Beursschouwburg, Brussels, BE
A History of Remembering V, 7th Biennial Conference Network Afropeans, Lisbon, PT
Manifestos For Queer Futures, HAU Hebbel am Ufer, Berlin, DE
The Politics of Sexuality, in collaboration with Rachael Moore, Kunstenfestival Desartes, Brussels, BE
Normal/Schmormal: Race & Semantics, Beursschouwburg, Brussels, BE
Really Animated Conversations: Black Histories in Bloom, Beursschouwburg, Brussels, BE
Really Animated Conversations: Where Do You Really Come From?, GlogauAir, Berlin DE
Really Animated Conversations: How Do We Survive Spaces We Were Never Meant To Enter, Beursschouwburg, Brussels, BE
The Comet 150 Years W E B Dubois, HAU Hebbel am Ufer, Berlin, DE
Say What You Mean/Mean What You Say and A History of Remembering IV, Reeperbahn Festival in collaboration with Kunstverein Hamburg, Hamburg, DE
Unreliable Witnesses, Tedx Uni Heidelberg, Heidelberg, DE
A History of Remembering III, The 10th Berlin Biennale: I’m Not Who You Think I’m Not, KW, Berlin, DE
Things You Can Tell Just By Looking At Us, Artist In Research Position at Weissensee Kunsthochschule Berlin, Berlin DE
A History of Remembering Volume II, Artist In Research Position at Weissensee Kunsthochschule Berlin, Berlin DE
The Future Is Feminist, Beursschouwburg, Brussels, BE
Republik Repair, Zehn Punkte, Zehn Forderungen, Ein Festival - Reparatory Imaginings From Black Berlin: Black Masculinities, and We Returned The Burdens That We Bore To Their Rightful Owners, Having Realized That We Never Owed Them A Thing, Ballhaus Naunynstr. Berlin, DE
3 AM - Try It All Out!, Flutgraben, Berlin, DE
Blacks To The Future Festival #2, (in multiple locations), Paris, FR
Say Anything (Politics Of Speaking In Art And Culture), Sophiensaele, Berlin, DE
Organisation As Form, Forum Brasil, Universität Der Künste Berlin & Forum Brasil, Berlin, DE
Portrait Noir: Internalised Racism, Artist In Residence At Weißensee Kunsthochschule Berlin, Berlin, DE
Homonationalism, Decolonising History, Who Has The Right To Claim Blackness, Artist In Residence At Weißensee Kunsthochschule Berlin, Berlin, DE
A History of Remembering: Locating Ourselves In The Past And Present, Artist In Residence At Weißensee Kunsthochschule Berlin, Berlin, DE
Decolonising Science: Lecture/Presentation, Artist In Residence At Weißensee Kunsthochschule Berlin, Berlin, DE
Women in Dialogue: On Black Sisterhood, Self Care, Our Relationships With Our Mothers, Passing Privilege, and Dating (other) Black Women, Artist In Residence At Weißensee Kunsthochschule Berlin, Berlin, DE
(De-)koloniale Bilderwelten ist nun erhältlich!, Public Installation, Glokal & the ISD, Berlin, DE
Things You Can Tell Just By Looking At Him, exhibited in both online, print, and televised news media in, DE, FR, ES, JP, GR, IT, BR, PR, USA, UK, AU, CH.
Black Superheroes: Transformers, Schwules Museum, Berlin, DE
Skin, The Ballery, Berlin, DE
Art Basel Miami Beach 2014, Selected Works Represented by Jenkins Johnson Gallery, San Francisco, CA
Selected Press
Neon Magazine Online France, January 5th, 2017. “Pour Un Noir, T’e Beau: Quand Un Berlinois Transforme Les Phrases Racistes En T-shirts”, Rhrissi, Lina.
Mashable Online France, January 5th, 2017. “Isaiah Lopaz L’artiste Afro-Americain Qui Imprime Le Racisme Ordinaire Sur Des T-shirts”, Abdellah, Majda.
Fusion: News For The New America, Video Featured Online On January 8th, 2017. “Racism In Black And White”, Perez, Myrna.
The New York Times, November 16th, 2016. “Confronting Racism In Berlin One Offensive T-shirt At A Time”, Ingber, Hanna.
Der Spiegel Online, November 18th, 2016. “Schwarzer Berliner Druckt Vorurteile Gegen Ihn Auf Sein T-shirt”, (Journalist Not Credited).
La Vanguardia Online, November 20th, 2016. “Un Joven Negro Diseña Las Camisetas Mas Racistas Del Mundo Por Una Buena Causa”, Arbat, Sandra.
Mic Media, Video Featured Online On November 22nd, 2016. “This Black American Is Turning Racist Encounters Into T-shirts”, Gonzales, Gabe.
ZDF Heute +, Originally Televised On November 29th, 2016. “T-shirts Gegen Rassismus”, Paersch, Stephanie.
Kurier (Kurier.AT), December 5th, 2016. “Warum Diese T-shirts Rassistische Sprüche Tragen”, Zelenko, Maria.
Zeit Online (ZE.TT), Video Featured Online On December 6th, 2016. “Künstler Macht Rassismus In Deutschland Sichtbar Auf T-shirts”, Krenz, Leon.